Monday, November 27, 2006

Nothing New Under the Sun

Sitting on the couch last night, my brain wandered down the dumb joke trail. Suddenly a new one popped into my head. I had high hopes that I was the very first person to think of this joke and in order to find out, I ran to the computer to do a search (my sweet husband meanwhile was rolling his eyes). Turns out some 4th grader named Agnus submitted it to a kid's joke site years ago. So much for being original.

Q: What do you call a herd of sleeping cattle?

A: Bull Dozers

What is your favorite dumb joke?


Elizabeth said...

there's nothing new under the sun!

...sorry, that's not a joke...

"So this horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, 'hey, why the long face?'"

You've probably heard that one from me several times.

Anonymous said...

Knock knock.

(Who's there?)


(Pencil who?)

Pencil fall down if you don't have a belt.


Rebecca said...

Kendra, took me a second to get that one. I had to say it out loud a few times before it clicked. That's a good one!

Anonymous said...

So, this blind (PC= vision challenged) man walks into a drugstore, walks down an aisle, picks up his seeing eye dog by the tail and swings him overhead in a circular motion.

He puts the dog down, walks to another aisle, and repeats the strange behaviour.

After the third time, the store manager cautiously approaches him, and asks, "Excuse me, sir, is there something I can help you find?"

"Naw," the blind man replies, "I'm just looking around!"

Sharon said...


Fletch said...

what do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhinocerous?


Rebecca said...

Fletch, this is a G-rated site. ;-)