Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Perfect Nap Poll

Annabelle, the Queen of Cat Naps

This poll is in honor of my favorite nap-loving cousin, Jessica, who recently posted an article on her blog about the benefits of taking naps.

Are you a napper? If so, what is your perfect nap? where do you sleep, for how long, etc. . .

My answers: My perfect nap #1 would be a mid-morning nap on a cool, rainy day where you can hear soft thunder in the distance. I would curl up with a fluffy, fresh-from-the-dryer down comforter and a good book. I'd read for a bit and then fall to sleep for at least an hour.

Perfect nap #2 would be getting to snuggle up with a newborn in the hospital after delivery. Not exactly the best sleep in the world, certainly the most contended feeling in the world.


not2brightGRAM said...

A Perfect Nap:

Rainy afternoon, warm quilt, a softly breathing sleeping child snuggled next to me, no time constraints.

I always sleep for no more than an hour, but just knowing I COULD nap longer makes it a sweeter sleep.

Maybe I can curl up with Caleb during Christmas time for A Perfect Nap.

Jessica said...

Saturday afternoon, apres-hike or ski or other seasonally appropriate outdoor activity, Abby's napping so I know I have two full hours, Nathaniel is playing a quiet educational game with Granny, the house is clean, and Ben and I get to snuggle under our down comforter. Ahhhh! Hopefully I just described our weekend. =) Great post, Rebecca.

Elizabeth said...

i'd have to say that your number one is pretty good. although when i take naps, i can't lay the same way as usual (like head on the pillow, etc.) i normally have to lay with my head on the foot of the bed, and my legs and arms kind of curled under me... almost like a baby, i guess:) but all of your other qualifications are perfect. too bad we don't get rainstorms around here TOO often.

Jess(ica) said...

Love the nap poll idea!!!

My perfect nap would be in the winter months and begin with me turning on my electric blanket. Then I would get into my jammies, brush my teeth, get a drink of water, and put on chapstick. Once my bed was warmed up, I would crawl in and sleep, without interruption, until I woke up (which is usually anywhere from 2-4 hours). Then, when I wake up, there would still be several hours of day light left and I would feel refreshed!