Thursday, February 15, 2007

Flashback to 3rd Grade

Lately I have taken a re-liking to Nesquik and Cheerios. . . not together, of course. I don't know what it is about that powdery chocolate drink, but I love it! And the "unsinkable taste of Cheerios" brightens my morning.

I may be 28 but with a bowlful of Cheerios and a tall glass of Nesquik, I feel like I'm back in 3rd grade!


christianne said...

Love the graphic!

I've been eating Cheerios again these days. I'm really glad my mom raised me on "no sugar" cereal. I find myself craving those oldie but goodies -- Puffed Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Raisin Bran, Kix -- more and more as I grow older.

Nesquik, on the other hand, I do not like. Something about the grainy granules makes me feel like chalk is scaping across a chalkboard. What's that all about?

Anonymous said...

I still love Nesquik, too. If you want to try something fun, sprinkle the powder on vanilla icecream... it is actually really good. Or you can add a little milk to make a thick chocolate sauce and that is good too!

This and That said...

Nequik is the best! I get this nostalic feeling everytime I drink it...