Thursday, May 04, 2006

16 1/2 weeks

After my 15-weeks post, I was surprised by the number of people who emailed me and said they wanted frequent baby bump updates.

So, to all of you who are interested, here you go. This was taken yesterday--16 weeks and 4 days into the pregnancy. I've been amazed by how much I've popped out in the last 2 weeks. My weight has only changed by a little over one pound in that time, but suddenly none of my regular clothes fit.

I'm quite thankful for the cute maternity styles that are out right now. My husband says he thinks my maternity clothes are more stylish than my regular clothes (maybe that's because they aren't 5 years old like the rest of my wardrobe!). At any rate, I'm glad I'm not having to resort to muumuus and tent-dresses . . . yet!

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