Three New Year Goals
I know I'm a week late in setting my goals for 2007, but here they are:
2,700,000 in 2007
These boots were made for walking and that's just what they'll do. . .
One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was the pedometer my husband bought me. It's been very interesting to see how far (or not far!) I walk every day.2,700,000 in 2007
These boots were made for walking and that's just what they'll do. . .
My original goal was 2007 miles in 2007. But, after an active day yesterday, I had to readjust. "Active" doesn't mean quite the same thing when you have a three-month old baby. So, I readjusted my goal to make it more realistic. Instead of the equivalent to 5.2 miles a day, my new goal is 2,700,000 steps in 2007. That works out to about 3 miles per day based on my step length. I'm going to add a section to the right to keep a daily and cumulative total going. I'm starting a week late, so I'll have to do some catching up but I think this is a goal I can actually accomplish.
207 in 2007
One thing I've really been wanting to do is memorize more scripture. When I was in elementary school, I would memorize 10-20 verses every week (that was before the "brain sell phenomenon")! I know memorization gets harder with age, but I think I'm also just plain old lazy. There is absolutely no reason that I should not be able to memorize 207 verses in 2007. That is less than 4 verses each week.
I am going to prepare a list of verses that will 1) help keep me from sinning 2) give me wisdom in regards to raising our son 3) bring me peace (I have been waking up frequently with nightmares).
I'll be posting a list of references for the first 20 soon. That will cover the next month or so, in case any of you want to memorize with me.
Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee! Ps. 119:11
I am going to prepare a list of verses that will 1) help keep me from sinning 2) give me wisdom in regards to raising our son 3) bring me peace (I have been waking up frequently with nightmares).
I'll be posting a list of references for the first 20 soon. That will cover the next month or so, in case any of you want to memorize with me.
27 in 2007
This is a recipe for disaster!
This is a recipe for disaster!
I have a shelf full of recipe books, internet printouts, and handwritten recipes
. . . all in a pile! My goal for 2007 is to pick my top 27 main-dish recipes and post them here on my blog. That is enough for a different meal almost every night of the month. I do a lot of freezer cooking (I am still pulling out meals I made from before Caleb was born!) and have hit upon a lot of really great recipes. I'd like to clean-out my disastrous recipe collection and organize it. In the process I'm going to pick 27 recipes to share. Gourmet is great. . . for someone else. For my own sake (and for yours, too, if you're interested), I want to get the best-of-the-best USABLE recipes that I know of into one place.

It is amazing how much mileage a homemaker clocks each day. When I attached a pedometer out of curiosity awhile ago, I found I was walking three miles a day! I also found that because I knew I was being tracked,I walked more. Weird.
I would LOVE for you to post your favorite freezer meals! I'm always looking for good main dishes that can be made in advance.
By way of encouragement . . . I'm pretty the sure the "memorizing gets harder with age" notion is a myth. It may not be as novel and fun as when we are in the "poll parrot" age (as Dorothy Sayers calls it), and we may have to work harder to make time to memorize in our busy adult schedules; however, what I've heard is that recent "brain research" suggests that it is frequency of use (of certain synapses and neron channels) that makes the brain function more smoothly--not age. So, the more often you work at memorization--at any age--the easier it gets! :o)
Hmmnnnn..... well, not to contradict, but I find the 'Sponge Theory' to be more accurate in practice.
A dry sponge (think baby) can hardly absorb anything.
Get a sponge moist (youth) and it will absorb a great deal.
When the sponge is sopping wet (mature adulthood), it can't take on another drop!
Try as I might, I find memorizing quite a bit more difficult than when I was younger... =0
These are great goals, Bec! I'm excited for you to embark on these new things. I hope you give us updates along the way!
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