2. Joshua Redin--my amazing husband who serves our family and loves God wholeheartedly
3. Caleb Redin--the most loving, kind-hearted three-year-old I've ever met
4. Annabelle Redin--the silliest, joy-filled, most playful girl on this planet
5. Jonah Redin--for his sweet smiles, snuggles and expressive eyes
6. RHC--our church here in Singapore that passionately loves Christ and teaches Truth
7. Extended Family (if I listed everyone that would take up the rest of the 32 items)--so thankful that nearly everyone in our extended family is a brother/sister/father/mother/grandmother not just in this passing world, but a brother/sister in the shining world to come.
8. Friends--For long-time friends and new ones. For best friends that trek across the world to share our experiences in Singapore, and for neighbor friends who trek down the hall to say hello. For friends that I talk to every day, and for friends who send an email out of the blue every few months.
9. Health--For the last year which has been relatively sick-less. A minor cold here and there but no major battles.
10. Daily bread--For the daily food and water we have in abundance. . . in a time when many around the world are suffering for lack of food and drinkable water.
--Okay, done with the serious stuff. . . from here on out, there is no particular order and no particular depth =)
11. Banana Muffins and a cold glass of milk
12. Packages from home
13. My Canon
14. Photoshop
15. Legos (what else could keep Caleb occupied for hours on end!?)
16. Air conditioning
17. Al Azhar's Indian restaurant
18. Baby carriers that free up my hands
19. Naps
20. Skype
21. Kaya Toast
22. Singapore Zoo
23. The pool
24. Grocery delivery
25. Taxis
26. My iPod and it's player
27. Hair bows for Annabelle
28. Pink nail polish
29. The Mini-mart!
30. 20-cent popsicles
31. Free refills (since most places here DON'T have them, I am really thankful for them when I do get them)
32. Tortillas
LOVED LOVED LOVED your 32 things Rebecca!! I would definately agree with Al Azhars, miss that place so much and Owen misses Kaya!! Thanks for sharing and happy birthday to you!!!
Where is the "love that" button! You are inspiring with your love and devotion to Jesus!
I really enjoyed reading your list. it reminds me to be grateful for all the simple things in life and the things that I take for granted. Thanks for sharing.
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