Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rule breaking and a thank-you.

For the second time this week, Caleb and I made the laborious 2-mile trek to the grocery store. I try my best to buy everything I need during my weekly trip, but this week, we ran out of a few essential items mid-week, and I was forced to make a second trip. By the time we arrived at the shopping center, I was hot, sweaty and sapped of energy. It's bad enough to feel that way myself, but when I looked down into the stroller and saw little beads of sweat on Caleb's face, my heart melted. We were in dire need of a pick-me-up and I was desperate. In the heat of the moment (literally the HEAT of the moment), I decided that the fastest plan of action was to head for the nearest restaurant and order a cool treat. (This is where the rule-breaking comes in. . . ) So, before I could think twice, I pushed the stroller through the entrance of McDonalds and heard myself ordering an Oreo McFlurry.

I always swore I would never willingly feed my kid McDonalads (have you seen Super Size Me?). It was rule number 2 on my list of "Things Good Moms Never Do." But there I was, hunched down next to the stroller offering spoonful after spoonful of flurry fluff to my 13-month-old kid. Only 13 months, and I'm already resorting to McDonalds. . .

"What kind of mother am I!?" I thought. "With every spoonful, I am dooming my son to a nutrient-deficient future. My son will never like broccoli or spinach or cauliflower. I can see it in his huge grin and oreo-studded teeth. And, if he's ruined, what hope can I possibly have for any future kids God may give us!"

As I berated myself for ruining my son's appetite for all things green and nutritious, I heard my brother's voice ringing in my ear, quoting one of his favorite verses, "Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise" (Ecc 7:16 KJV) (If any of you know my brother, you know he is always quoting obscure verses from the King James version. . . usually with a King James-ish accent, to boot).

Be not overly wise. . . be not overly wise. That's just what I was being. . . or trying to be. Suddenly I realized that there are some rules in life that are worth breaking every now and then. . . and eating at McDonalds was one of them.

So, even though he's half-way across the world, I'm sending out a little thank-you to my brother. Thanks, Dan, for the reminder that it is possible to be overly righteous and overly wise. (If Caleb could type, I'm sure he'd send his thanks, too!)

p.s.-Just for the record, I'm going to make Caleb eat green peas for dinner! =)


Unknown said...


A McFlurry!? mmmmmmmmm. And Oreo to boot! Lucky Bumpkey, you are one fortunate li'ul fellow!
But do tell your momma not to feed ya anything she herself is unwilling to eat. Green peas? That's so cruel!
But do eat your string beans and broccoli

And, "Go thy way, eat thy string beans with joy, AND drink thy McFlurry with a merry heart!" (Ecc. 9:7 slightly modernized, yet still retaining the King James-ish accent)

You're welcome Sis ;) LOL

See ya guys in just over a month.
Love from me to the three of you...


christianne said...

Haha! That was such a funny story! I giggled and laughed out loud a couple times while reading it. And I could totally picture the whole thing and imagine you talking to yourself about this in your head. Great story! I also love Dan's comments above. :)

not2brightGRAM said...

Take it from a never-fed-my-kids-anything-
were-5 mom:

This isn't the first time you'll break a "rule", so don't beat yourself up. You have to learn which hills to die on.

I saw the McFlurry as a act of compassion!

And yes, Daniel does seem to have a verse for almost anything. I love that about him!

Anonymous said...

Oh Becc...guess that was where you went after we got finished talking..I'll bet you will be happy to get back here to "cool" off........I know I would never make it in that heat....looking forward to your coming home!!! do you bring water with you?? put a bottle in the freezer and by the time you need it, it will be ready to drink....... susprise to see Dan on the blog...!!!he sould enter more to hear his remarks..

L.L. Barkat said...

Came over from Lilies Have Dreams. I SO relate to this post. As a green loving, healthy eating person, I realize that moments of flexibility may be exactly what we need.

Loved this amusing post regarding your Oreo flexibility.

This and That said...

Now we know what to get Bumpkey for Christmas. McDonald's gift cards! hahaha

kirsten said...

This post was so cute, Bec!! Should I ever be a mother, I can myself adamantly declaring my child will never eat anything that comes from the golden arches. It's good to know that even a mother has wonderful as yourself saw the need to bend a bit ... & write an amusing post about it. :o)

Gina Marie said...

I saw Super Size Me and it scared me to death! :) I vowed my kids would never eat McD's again, but Erik's a softie and takes them when they beg. I have to remind myself that one time there won't undo all the goodness and wisdom we feed them about healthy eating the rest of the time, just like it won't do that for Caleb. And I agree with Caleb's gram - that was an act of compassion!

Remember - stress is just as bad for your body as sugar, so don't sweat this one. :)