Wednesday, December 13, 2006


One of the drawbacks of having a baby is the strange things it does to one's previously predictable figure. Sizing varies from store to store. Every girl knows that. And every marketing agent knows a girl will pay more money for the exact same item if the tag on the inside announces a smaller size than the store next door. It is a constant battle of trying to find the cheapest pair of pants in the smallest size possible. Prior to Caleb, I usually opted for cheap, since my figure wasn't the source of my problems. Now, I think I'd be willing to pay a small fortune to find a pair of pants in my Pre-Caleb size that fit my Post-Caleb figure!


christianne said...

Hilarious post, Bec. You don't even want to know the ills I have been battling with pant sizes in the past 6 months. So thankful my hubby thinks I'm gorgeous! :)

Rebecca said...

Yes, thank goodness for husbands. They are much kinder than the mirror.