Monday, February 11, 2008


My friend, Christianne, tagged me about a week ago. We've had house guests for the last 10 days and I haven't had a quiet minute to sit and blog. This morning, my sister-in-law offered to give the kids a bath so, VOILA!, here I am =)

For the 1-2-3 meme, the directions are:

1) Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2) Open the book to page 123.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the next three sentences.
5) Tag five people.

1. Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel (recommended to me a few months ago by Heather over at LazyDRanch. . . thanks, Heather.)
2. page 39. . . . 103. . . .127. . . 123. . . okay, I'm there.
3. 1 period, 2 periods, 3 periods, 4 periods, 5 periods. Got it.
4. "Cheaters sometimes win. One dimensional people often end up with more money. Selfishness, cunning and backstabbing are often the faster tracks to fame." (Can I break the rules and post the next sentence as well?) "Grace dictates that we keep achievement goals in context with the children's bigger role as members of God's chosen people."
5. Uh-oh! I don't know if I know 5 people to tag since most of my regular readers have already been tagged. If you've already been tagged, just ignore this =)
Mom, Yvette, Sharon, cousin Jessica and Jessica in Colorado. . . tag, you're it!


not2brightGRAM said...

Okay, I'm "It". I'll post over on my blogsite, never2late.

christianne said...

Whew! I'm glad you posted that extra sentence. I was feeling bogged down by the first part of the selection. :)

Look forward to reading your book selections on the second meme, if you get a chance to do it.

A house full of guests for 10 days??? Wow. You must be the hostess with the mostest.

Jess(ica) said...

My book is my textbook entitled:

"Research has demonstrated that mandatory minimum sentences have been implemented in an inconsistent manner and typically have produced unanticipated and even unjust results. One of the challenges that we have outlined throughout this book is that new policies, justice system reforms, and other interventions often look "good on paper," but they can be very difficult to implement in a fair and just manner. Three-strikes legislation, for example, was intended to remove the worst offenders from the streets; but in some states, many of the people are sentencted to lengthy prison terms based on nonviolent offenses."

Textbooks get a little wordy! sheesh.

Jess(ica) said...

Oh yeah, my text book was called "Making sense of the Criminal Justice System"

Not that anyone is interested...

I was going to fill in the name of the book after I wrote my sentences but I forgot!

This and That said...

OK, I will post it on my blog.